Wednesday, June 22, 2011


You know... I think Facebook has its ups and downs. It wouldn't be so bad if people didn't take it so seriously. I really think it should be called dramabook! People shouldn't air their dirty laundry. The people that are broadcasting every little problem they have on facebook are doing it for attention and believe me when I say may think that people that are commenting are consoling you and are genuinely concerned but they aren't, they are like the rest of us...annoyed. Like, there is just some stuff you do not write on facebook. I can't stand when ppl insinuate they are going to commit suicide. I can't stand when ppl are disliked by someone and just think that bc they use god and prayer against that person that it makes them look like the better it doesn't... it makes you like someone that uses God's name and religion in vain! It makes you look like someone who uses God as leverage to get what you want and that to me is not cool. There are way more statuses that crawl under my skin but I have already deleted those ppl so I can't retrieve them. I had this one person that constantly wrote vile things about other ppl and talked about "whoopin they ass" I mean seriously...grow the hell up. No one gives a shit about the lame shit that occurs on "ur block yo" I can't stand facebook sometimes. All it has really done is show me why I chose not to speak to certain ppl in the first place. The #1 thing that gets one my nerves is when ppl beg for comments and that if their close friends don't comment then why are they friends? Well this could possibly be bc A) THEY HAVE LIVES AND DON'T EAT SLEEP AND BREATH FACEBOOK or B) WHAT YOU WRITE ISN'T REALLY INTERESTING ENOUGH TO COMMENT ON. This is not an attack on anyone. This is me trying to get through to ppl so they no longer embarrass themselves.

FACEBOOK HAS TAKEN OVER THE WORLD. I hear all the time...."omg....did you see what so and so wrote about so and so on their facebook!!!"... "I hope so and so is ok.. she hasn't updated her status in 2 days....."... What?? What??? seriously..... so when did facebook become the only way ppl know how to communicate? What really makes me laugh like hell is ppl that get pissed bc their business is spread all over town... well honey!!!!! YOU WROTE IT ON YOUR WALL FOR ALL OF YOUR 1200 FRIENDS TO SEE AND ONLY 1199 OF THEM YOU SPEAK TO. The best thing I have ever heard in my life is what my friend Nicole said when I asked her if she had facebook, "No I want a healthy marriage" As sad as that seems its true! How many women wonder who their significant other is talking to on facebook? There are a bunch out there. There are women that get so upset that they actually sit at the computer for hours trying to hack into their man's account so they can see who he is talking to.... Married women! Facebook can seriously make or break a relationship. Granted the women that usually do that have a rocky relationship already but still yet its sad.

The only reasons I created a facebook was so I could keep in touch with my graduating class so I could know when our reunion was and to keep in touch with my friends that have moved away :( but I am slowly getting burnt out on it. I hate being such a bitch and I know that the stuff ppl put in their statuses doesn't involve me so to speak but I don't want to be associated with that shit. I mean we do have mutual friends and you know the saying "birds of a feather flock together" well I follow that and if you do shit thats crazy I dont want ppl to think I am the same way just bc I am associated with you facebook or no facebook. Ok I am done venting.

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